Harvard guide to referencing and bibliographies: for secondary school students 4th Edition
Author: Jennifer King
ISBN: 978-0-9944729-0-8
Cost: $22 each (doesn’t include GST)
includes package and postage (payment must be received with the order).
Description: Confused about teaching referencing and bibliographies to students? Then you need ...The Harvard guide to referencing and bibliographies: for secondary school students 4th Edition by Jennifer King.
The Queensland School Library Association recommends the referencing and bibliographic style of the Harvard author-date system as outlined by the Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS) and revised by Snooks & Co, 2002 in the 6th edition of the Style manual for authors, editors and printers. This booklet has been written in accordance with the spirit of this authority.
This is an excellent document for class sets, allowing your students to use one simple referencing style across the curriculum.
If you prefer your students to access their referencing guides digitally, you can purchase the Harvard guide to Referencing PDF.
This digital version is in static PDF format, which can be read on multiple screen types (PC, tablet, mobile).
The digital version is priced according to the number of students that have at your school. Please see the order form for more details.
“Testimonial: For the past four years all students and teaching staff at St Patrick’s Senior College Mackay have been issued with the QSLA publication, A guide to referencing and bibliographies for secondary school students by Jenni King, as a textbook. The guide is invaluable to our students when they are preparing referenced assessment tasks. It has been adopted by all subjects in the college as a standard because the examples are clearly set out and the in-text references follow on from each example’s structure. As new forms of references become part of student research new editions of the guide have been produced. Incoming year 11 student come from a range of schools and this guide ensures that each of them is aware of the referencing guide at the college. Teachers, too, have become familiar with the guide through staff in-service sessions and together we present lessons on bibliographic style when required throughout the school year. The library retains copies of the guide on our information stand so that they are readily available if students have left their copies elsewhere. Having this guide available has meant the end of re-inventing the in-house bibliographic guide and the saving of many hours of time in its revision and printing each year. The format ensures that it fits inside A4 folders and is easily recognisable when end of year text returns are required.”